Benoit Le Callennec

Benoit Le Callennec #

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Biography #

Benoît Le Callennec is an associate professor at Haute-École Arc (Neuchâtel, Switzerland) since 2019. He obtained his PhD in computer science (specialized in 3D character animation) at the Virtual Reality Laboratory from EPFL (VRLab-EPFL) in 2006. He then was a post-doc at the Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurements (LMAM-EPFL) where he collaborated with Swiss-Ski (junior ski jump team). He invented several Motion Capture editing algorithms. In 2009, he co-founded a startup and partnered with EPFL to turn 15 years of cutting-edge academic research into a unique technology allowing the creation of high-quality 3D animation in a quick, easy and affordable manner.

Research Interests #

My research interests include computer graphics, computer animation and motion analysis.

Latest News #

September 14, 2022
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